Thursday, October 15, 2009

My Career Search Champions

I wasn’t sure where to start this morning. My whole routine was changed by a dog that decided to sleep in (that means 7am) and then go for a one hour walk. What is up with that? I mean, it was 8am before we returned and that meant Miss Lily’s breakfast was late, Bill’s coffee was late, and checking the morning email was late. But, I must admit that it felt rather decadent to wake up 45 minutes later than usual.

I met my professor yesterday and was able to breathe a huge sigh of relief. I had been making too much of part of the assignment and the other part wasn’t properly explained and Lee was able to get me back on track and going again. Whew! Lee also shared a personal struggle with me. His 86 year-old mother was having health issues. For the last 10 days she had been hospitalized for an intestinal blockage and was being intravenously fed. Today she is having surgery. Lee seemed quite concerned and I wanted to give him a hug but I wasn't sure if he was looking for that from me. I told him I would pray for her quick recovery and his safe return back to the area (he had mentioned he was traveling) and left. I hope everything is going as expected and that she will be well again.

Early afternoon held good news. A friend, Grant, has been my champion since early this year. Every time he finds a career opportunity he either sends it by email or picks up the phone to call me. Yesterday one of his connections at LinkedIn posted an opening and he forwarded her information to me. It’s a really great opportunity so I called her. She wasn’t in but I did speak to her manager and then forwarded my resume. I should hear from her either today or tomorrow. Then Steve, a neighbor, sent two emails. One about a possible job in the area and the other offering to have a close friend put in a good word for me at the Appleton opportunity I wrote about yesterday. I’ve met Steve’s friend several times. He’s a good guy. Even though the Appleton organization is looking at internal candidates, it can’t hurt to have a third person say good things about me. Thank you to both of them for keeping me in mind and to everyone else who shares leads, contacts at companies, and general goodwill. I so appreciate it.


Lisa said...

Ooh, good luck, good luck, good luck! And break a leg! <3

Donna Syverson said...

Unfortunately, Grant's lead didn't pan out today. She told me that either my background wasn't right or the level of the position wasn't appropriate. Sigh.